Some people are so picky! Take companies and their precious trademarks for instance. The NFL recently sued a church to make them stop calling a Sunday gathering a Super Bowl™ Party. Seems if you let one offense slip, the courts don't think you take your trademark seriously, so you have to go after every offender.
Coke™ does the same thing. When I was a kid and you went to a burger joint and ordered a Coke™ you got whatever cola they sold, even it was a Pepsi™. Neither Coke™ nor Pepsi™ found that amusing and started making restaurants get it right. Now if you order the brand not offered, you are promptly offered the correct trademarked drink with a little "can't you read the menu board" attitude. EXcuuuuuse
Google™ is now in danger of becoming an everyday term. You can write that down as a SARCASTICON prediction. This multi-billion dollar search engine's name is synonymous with looking, seeking, and finding, and we'll hijack if for our own use.
I googled around the house yesterday for an hour until I found my keys.
The officer did an illegal google and seizure and the evidence was thrown out.
I'm waiting for someone to write a new, updated transliteration of the Bible because The Message™ is too hard to understand. "Google my heart, oh God..."
I heard that Garth Brooks thinks he has a trademark on g. That’s right, the little g in Times New Roman. Talk radio host Glenn Beck used the letter on the set of his television show and got a letter from Garth’s attorney. It seems that Beck and everyone else who have typewriters in their attics have to turn their g’s over to the man with “friends in low places.” Beck gave in without a fight. The g™ is gone.
I’m not afraid, though. Let them come after me with all their lawyers and letters and threats. They can google all day, but they’ll never find me.
"Knock and the door will open. Google and you will find."
I love it.
This is a fine post -- had me laughing all the way to my search engine.
** David Rupert
It's just ridiculous how these large corporations worry about the innocent, casual use of there precious trademarks. If I were the CEO of Coke or Pepsi and I just happened upon this blog for instance, I would be grateful for the publicity and free advertising our company received by having a picture of our product included on it. I'm just glad you didn't take any chances and went ahead and got their permission anyway.
Permission? I was supposed to get permission?
holy cow, where do you get this information?
You would think the NFL would want people to call it a Superbowl Party to encourage more interest in it.
I hate money.
Your my "loaf-n-jug". I never can understand how you know this kind of information. Does your head hurt?
Tim -- I dont know if you have seen our "24 Hour Clock" push in the post office. Collection mail off the streets by 6, through the cancellation process by 10, etc etc. -- that way the mail actually 'moves.' We were using the 24 hour clock logo - which looked like your basic digital alarm clock -- when we were contacted by the producers of "24" - the fox series. Well, they said our logo looked like theirs.
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